Tech & Rights

Spain: Yet Another Twitter User Gets Prison Time for Glorifying Terrorism

The Spanish National Court has sentenced another Twitter user to one year in prison for the crime of glorifying terrorism and humiliating victims through a series of tweets published between 2012 and 2013. According...

by Rights International Spain
(Image: Esther Vargas/Flickr)

The Spanish National Court has sentenced another Twitter user to one year in prison for the crime of glorifying terrorism and humiliating victims through a series of tweets published between 2012 and 2013. According to the court, the messages show hatred towards the security forces and convey a sense of "longing" and "pity" for the fact that neither ETA nor GRAPO continue to commit acts of terrorism. A dissenting judge stated that, after analyzing the messages in context and despite their very bad taste, there is no real invitation to violence, nor contempt for the victims.

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