Tech & Rights

Model Ethical Funding Policy to Help Civil Society Organisations

Digital Freedom Fund, Liberties, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, the European Center for Press and Media Freedom and Ben Wagner have developed a Model Ethical Funding Policy to help solve problems with NGO funding.

by LibertiesEU

The document provides an exhaustive list of solutions to problems related to the funding of NGOs. And as ethical issues around funding often lead to issues in NGOs' daily work, the model policy can serve as a great tool for civil society organisations worldwide.

“Many civil society organisations are challenged in their daily work to find answers to the questions such as how to accept funding from the corporate sector, what are the best practices with unsolicited donations, how NGOs should/could relate to funds arriving from foundations, public sources, or unknown sources. This document is giving clear possible answers to all those questions”, said Balazs Denes, Executive Director of the Civil Liberties Union for Europe.

The leading organisations defined the list of possible problems and areas of interest, and received invaluable pro bono help in the drafting process from Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP and the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice.

Organisations are encouraged to use, and if necessary adopt, the policy when preparing their own tools.

Click here to download the model document (Creative Commons)

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