Tech & Rights

Bulgarian NGOs Warn of Systematic Violence Against Laboring Women

To mark International Day of Action for Women's Health, two Bulgarian NGOs drew attention to the violence perpetrated by healthcare professionals against laboring women.

by Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
Image: José Manuel Ríos Valiente - Flickr/CC content

On International Day of Action for Women's Health (May 28), two NGOs in Bulgaria draw attention to the violence perpetrated by health professionals against laboring women. Their new infographic is available here.

Every woman needs professional healthcare and has the right to quality services during her pregnancy, when giving birth and beyond. In case of institutional violence or denied access to healthcare the authorities are liable. The same applies to ill-treatment, medically unnecessary procedures or denied right to choose.

In Bulgaria, the violence against laboring woman is unfortunately still a problem of the present day. The association Rodilnitsa ("Родилница") recently initiated a campaign in which different women share their stories of experienced violence in maternity homes.

In particular, institutional violence affects women and girls, who are young, unmarried, poor, HIV positive, with unpopular sexual orientation or gender identity, with disabilities or in vulnerable situations.

The global campaign marking International Day of Action for Women's Health was initiated by Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights. The infographic in Bulgarian was created by Rodilnitsa and the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee.

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