Reports & Papers

European Commission Rule of Law Report: Gap Analysis


Open Letter: Civil society and journalists associations urge the Council to protect journalists against spyware and surveillance in the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA)


Joint Public Letter Responding to the CULT Draft Report on the European Media Freedom Act


Charter Handbook 2023 - Relying on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights for Human Rights Litigation


Adjusting To The New Normal - Our journey in the second year of the pandemic - LIBERTIES ANNUAL REPORT 2021

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Gemeinsam machen wir den Unterschied

Wenn viele sich zusammenschließen, besiegen wir die wenigen, die denken, sie hätten die ganze Macht. Schließ dich uns an, es geht um Rechte für uns alle.

Mach mit beim Schutz unserer Freiheiten

Wir haben
► Den größten Fonds für Demokratieinitiativen in der EU geschaffen
► Neue Befugnisse geschaffen, um Autokraten die EU
► Finanzierung zu entziehen
► neue EU-Regeln verfasst, um Journalisten und Aktivisten vor Scheinklagen zu schützen

► Über 400 Menschenrechtsverteidiger/innen ausgebildet, um die Kampagnen, die dir am Herzen liegen, zu unterstützen.

Weitere Meilensteine

Gemeinsam machen wir den Unterschied

Wenn viele sich zusammenschließen, besiegen wir die wenigen, die denken, sie hätten die ganze Macht. Schließ dich uns an, es geht um Rechte für uns alle.

Joint NGO letter to the General Affairs Council meeting on 14 December 2021


Liberties Annual Report 2017 - 2019


LIberties Annual Report 2020


Policy Brief for the Trialogue Negotiations on the Digital Green Certificate (EU COVID-19 Certificate)


Slovenia: Rule Of Law Country Report 2020


Digital Green Certificate - Open Letter to MEPs


Digital Green Certificate: Concerns With The European Commission's Proposal For Regulation And Suggestions For Amendment - Policy Brief


How The European Parliament Can Protect the EU’s Fundamental Values: An Inter-parliamentary Rights Dialogue


The Rule of Law Dialogue: Five Ideas For Future EU Presidencies


Digital Green Pass: What The European Commission And Members States Should Do to Make 'Green Pass' Safer And More Inclusive


Enforcing the EU Court of Justice's Judgment on the Hungarian NGO Law: 3 Key Recommendations to the European Commission


A Comprehensive Plan to Innovate Democracy in Europe - Civil Society Vision for the European Democracy Action Plan


Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in EU Policy Backgrounders for the Germany Presidency of the EU


A New Fundamental Rights Strategy for the EU: Recommendations from Liberties


A Response to the European Commission Consultation on Rule of Law in the EU


Backgrounders for the Von der Leyen Commission - Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in EU Policy


Model Ethical Funding Policy for NGOs


European Values Instrument - Open Letter


Opinion on the Proposal for the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Persons Reporting on Breaches of Union Law


Analysis of the Commission's Proposal for a Rights and Values Programme


Two Proposals to Promote and Protect European Values through the Multi-Annual Financial Framework: Conditionality of EU Funds and a Financial Instrument to Support NGOs Executive Summary


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