Tech & Rights

Spaniard Fined for Booing the National Anthem

Spain's National Court has fined the person who promoted booing and whistling at the king and national anthem during the final of the 2015 Copa del Rey football tournament. The fine of 7,200 euros was handed down for...

by Rights International Spain
(Image: Xabier/CC)

Spain's National Court has fined the person who promoted booing and whistling at the king and national anthem during the final of the 2015 Copa del Rey football tournament. The fine of 7,200 euros was handed down for the crimes of offence to the Crown and affront to Spain. The judge said such conduct is not protected by free speech because the protection of the Crown as a "symbol of the unity of the state" and the "preservation of the constitutional system itself" prevails. Moreover, it is unnecessary to disparage the king in order to publicly proclaim the idea of an independent Catalonia.

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